Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013


hi! me... how are you?! there are a lot of thing happened..

you know what? I almost 21.. that's a huge number, right? and 3 years later I'll be marriage someone..
build a family.. make a new book of life..
share my life with..
but.. honestly, I can't find my soulmate yet..

I felt so empty..and lost..

I don't be my self this me out please..
I want to be free.. being "me"..

I want to see the world.. the whole world..

walk into the little path called journey..
run into the road called dream..
fall into the waterfall called experiences..

if life is about how much comfy you run it, did I feel that yet?
if love is about how simple you can make it perfect, did I make it yet?

Allah, please show me the truth, I better get hurt now..

Allah, if find someone who have a same purpose of life, love me just the way I am with all of my simply appearance and complete the pieces of my puzzle heart is just the thing I want, please show me what I really needed for my life..

I have right to choose my life.. I have right to be happy, haven't I?

I wish my 21 is beautiful.. ;)

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

KKN Stories!! Work hard, Play hard, Sad, Happy, Hate, Love, Friendship and Enemy!

The Best Experience in My life,,,
on this 35days to live with all of you..
Work Hard, Play Hard..
Love, Hate, Sad, Happy...
Friendship and Enemy..

This is My 1st day in Jetis Village,,, 
     I was doing my job as Health Worker..

 Then Naomi Fetty Silalahi came to give some help..

   in another day, Kentongan Competition...^^ 
  Taking some Pic in the middle of RiceField,,

 This is the last job that we have to do "BAZAAR TIME"
we get third place for our stand, well done fellas!

actually there are so many other picture in my laptop, but because of when I write it I use my PC so there are no other picture, well next time I will adding another pic.. 

and this is me, the craziest side of me... wkwkkwkwk.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

I pick this picture, because it's JHONNY DEPP! nothing else..:D

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

The JOURNALIST I LOVE! and all the reasons why I love them?

well, one of my dream are my husband is a journalist!!,, or scientist,..
but I will priority the jounalist one..

why? because they always successfully to inspired me with their way!.. charming! 
they shared their experiences, do some adventure, and mix it with their knowladge! they help me to open my mind,, they show me the world, they make me feel confidence to make my dreams come true, to tell me that "there are so many things that I never taste, feel, do before..see it! and do yours!"

oke, I'll tell you, all of my favorite journalist, let's check this out.. :

They are, dr. Chris and dr. Xand van Tulleken, they are twin doctor, come from london!.. I was watched their tv programme at Medicine man go to wild!.. and they were charming! I mean, they go to a middle  of africa, live with a wild ethnic, learn about how the way the ethnic heal each other.. on those episode, one of the baby in this ethnic have malaria, and there were traditional healer that doing some traditional techniques to cure him. on the 1st time dr. Chris and dr. Xand just monitored it, after the baby got worst, they helped him with a permission from the headchief of this ethnic, of course!.. 

actually the things that make it good were, how they could survive to live in the middle of africa, they were make a tent with a minim material (just with a branches and leafs), they eat alligator, they eat monkey with a weird warm in it flash.. they brave enough to take those big risk.. for me that was AWESOME, dude! ^^

2nd journalist that I love, is :

Christof Putzel, he is a journalist from Vanguard, he was reported about the tobacco industrial in Indonesia, you will be shock when you live in those country and your favorite one show us how blind we are!.. we lived in here but we don't know those kind of industrial hypnotized us that bad!.. 

Putzel, told us on those documenter that Indonesia is a big consumer of cigarrete.. and the advertisement of ciggarete gave some bad influence to the young generation of Indonesia, their target is young generation, they make the ciggarette as if it's super cool! awesome, amazing, or something like that! the documenter told me that a few of elementery student in Indonesia become a smoker!, it's shock me up!.. I don't know about it before, how pity I am.. I know.. ah damn, I've just realize that my country was broke up!..

the goverment has failed to keep people health.. and it's shamed actually.. from this things, I've insipired to make another kind of documenter that tell the world,  "Indonesia is a magic country", you could heal your self by a magically stone, magically transfered your disease to animal, or another magic diseases that could be happen only in Indonesia..!!

well, the third journalist that I love is :

it's Adam Yamaguchi the journalist from Vanguard, the same company with Christof Putzel.. the things that I love from this man are, He is crazy, he is smart, and he have sense of homour...!

one of the documenter that I love the most, is his reported in Indonesia about Toilet problems, he told us that there were still some village in Indonesia that have no toilet in their home, and the people get defecation in the open room, without good sanitation, they just shit on the ground, they didn't burried it, they didn't clean it after they took a shit  (I don't know, I just LOL when I heard this words), and in some way then Adam make a Declaration : "FROM TODAY, I WON'T DEFECATE OUT IN THE OPEN, I WANT TO SHOUT YES TO HEALTH !!" ... that's look promising, right? hehehe.. for me he is awesome!..^^

oke, enough for the article, I had to go now..
thanks for read, and don't be a silent reader, leave your good comment in here, oke?? bye bye...:)

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

SMOKERS and all of the dilemma!

well, I was born from the smoker, I mean one of my parent, is an active smoker..
could you imagine what I feel when I know exactly the hazard of smoking, and you could guess what will happen to him if he still be an active smoker..??

I try really hard to tell him and forbid him to smoking, but he didn't listen to me, when I was too tired to warned him then I said : if you love us, care to us, and if you want to still smoking, please avoid us from ur smoke! it's killing us slowly too.. don't bring us with you...

after that, he try to didn't smoke in front of me anymore..but sometime when he was forget about it, he still did it, and I got mad!

well, Readers..I know exactly you know smoking isn't good for ur health, and it's killing you, so why you still enjoy it?? why you still smoke it?

for all the SMOKERS around me and the world..

“We’ll appreciate you if you have certain attitude as scholars and well educated people, thats mature, rationality, and have a responsibility by STOP SMOKING and spread a poison to your around environment.”

STOP it now! we love you, we care to you, we want to see you have a long life, so listen to us, and STOP it..

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Chris Evans!!!

I have a song for HIM !!..

"Baby,you light up my world like nobody else..

The way you lick your lips, make me overwhelmed.. 

You don't know, you are obviously gorgeous!"